Sunday, July 19, 2009


Hello there!

Well today I bought a vintage Buddy Holly LP box set :)
Is it awesome? Well, yes it is sir.

Okay so I got good news!

This awesome marketing company called PromoGuys hired my media company! Not for just any event! I will be a photographer at the SAN DIEGO COMIC-CON 2009! cool huh? I've been wanting to attend the comic-con recently, but they always sell out before I can even think about it.

The comic con has gotten extremely popular these days!

It's an awesome event, I've attended several times. The first time I went was 2001, I think. I was 10 years olds and a huge marvel fan(I still am). It's crazy to think that almost 8 years later I will actually be there working there as a photographer! I'm sooooooo excited.

So how are you?

I'm working on something cool right now. I should be up soon.

Be on the look out!

I sure am,
Moises Galvan

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